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magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms .jpg
magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms. Light softly filters down onto moss. You feel as if you are a faery in a magical realm full of color and  happy feelings.




La vie enchantée

/ feɪ /ˈfōk /en : of magical people

Fey: adj.

supernatural; enchanted: elves, fairies, and other fey creatures.
whimsical; strange; otherworldly

Folk: n.

people that preserve customs, arts and crafts, legends, traditions, and superstitions from generation to generation

a group of kindred tribes; the persons of one's family

Blue Butterfly

se demander

prenez un moment pour respirer dans la forêt enchantée ~ vous trouverez ici des esprits de maison fantaisistes, une décoration pour rendre votre espace confortable et inspirant, et une communauté de collectionneurs aussi magique que vous <3

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18 juil. 2024, 17:00
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magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms .jpg
magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms _edited.jpg

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Feyfolken Homestead 

Hang with the fam at the little cottage in the cliffs

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