Choisissez votre formule
Recurring support helps us stay sustainable!
3$USTous les moisSupport Feyfolken Homestead with birdseed, get early access and exclusive content <330 jours d'essai gratuit- Early Access to New Releases
- App + Site Membership
- Live Wildlife Encounters
- Tinyfam Fix
- Feyfolken Homestead
- Loyalty Rewards
Fairy Notes
14$USTous les moisa beautifully calligraphed note & original art sent to you monthly + all Kinfolk benefits30 jours d'essai gratuit- Calligraphy Poem
- Original Drawing, Print, or Painting
- Early Access to New Releases
- Site Membership + App
- Live Wildlife Encounters
- Tinyfam Fix
- Feyfolken Homestead
- Process + Behind the Scenes
Specimen Club
23$USTous les moisRare nature specimens sent to you monthly, perfect for crafting or collecting.+ all Kinfolk benefits- Crystals & Creek Stones
- Mosses & Lichens
- Ferns & Flowers
- Twigs & Barks
- Shells & Feathers
- App + Site Membership
- Early Access to New Releases
- Loyalty Rewards
- Live Wildlife Encounters
- Process + Behind the Scenes
- Tinyfam Fix
- Feyfolken Homestead
Our patrons' recurring plans help us shield endangered species and fragile habitats from poachers, clean trash and invasives, and restore the little abandoned homestead that called our family to the heart of the mountains. Purchasing a plan helps us share more of the magic with you!
Tous les mois
Support Feyfolken Homestead with birdseed, get early access and exclusive content <3
Valide jusqu'à annulation
30 jours d'essai gratuit
Early Access to New Releases
App + Site Membership
Live Wildlife Encounters
Tinyfam Fix
Feyfolken Homestead
Loyalty Rewards
Fairy Notes
Tous les mois
a beautifully calligraphed note & original art sent to you monthly + all Kinfolk benefits
Valide jusqu'à annulation
30 jours d'essai gratuit
Calligraphy Poem
Original Drawing, Print, or Painting
Early Access to New Releases
Site Membership + App
Live Wildlife Encounters
Tinyfam Fix
Feyfolken Homestead
Process + Behind the Scenes
Best Value
Specimen Club
Tous les mois
Rare nature specimens sent to you monthly, perfect for crafting or collecting.+ all Kinfolk benefits
Valide jusqu'à annulation
Crystals & Creek Stones
Mosses & Lichens
Ferns & Flowers
Twigs & Barks
Shells & Feathers
App + Site Membership
Early Access to New Releases
Loyalty Rewards
Live Wildlife Encounters
Process + Behind the Scenes
Tinyfam Fix
Feyfolken Homestead